About Counting the Kilowatts

In 2017, I wrote a post, The Case of the Missing Alternative Energy Numbers, on my Worldat100 website. My concern then was that if we didn’t have accurate numbers on how much energy we were producing, how could we know how much we needed to meet our energy needs?  Two years later, frustrated (and surprised!) that there was still no one counting the small amounts of energy people are generating all over the planet, I thought I’d try with the little extra time I have, just out of curiosity. Why not, right? So that’s how it started and I just seem to keep going while waiting for some bigger organization to do this better than I can.

Afghanistan turned out to be the perfect place to begin.* It’s not a country generally associated with modern technology much less solar, wind, and hydropower renewable energy infrastructure. Yet there are renewables everywhere precisely because no reliable country-wide power supply exists. People, especially in rural areas, have been left to fend for themselves. Electrical power is thus decentralized and becoming more so. We’ll probably see this trend in many more countries in the future but Afghanistan is one of the first countries where out of pure necessity people are producing their own renewable energy rather than relying on governments or private companies.

*The reason for starting with Afghanistan is simply that it’s the first country on this list, Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output) | Data, which was the metric for my Worldat100.org blog and I wanted to start at the beginning. By pure chance, Afghanistan also happens to be the setting for my first novel, An Invisible Woman in Afghanistan.

Primary Sources

These are sources that may have some original (i.e. they are digging it up themselves) data.

Specific regions

Secondary Sources

These sources occasionally have some original data but mostly they draw from the primary sources.


Many of these companies actually have a fair amount of original data particularly BP which very sensibly keeps track of the renewable industry to determine their best business practices.

Meet Heather McConnell

Heather McConnell has published one novel, An Invisible Woman in Afghanistan, is working on a second (An Invisible Woman in Tamil Nadu) in her Invisible Woman series, has published a short non-fiction “thought-piece,” The Value Economy: Thriving Together at the End of the World of Work, and recently started this website which grew out of her Worldat100.org blog. She lives in the old farmhouse she grew up in in upstate New York, caring for her dad who has Parkinson’s Disease. She loves the natural landscape particularly in her hometown and is committed to preserving as much of it as possible. She believes in creating a new way of living in harmony with this landscape – making a home that is sustainable, comfortable and beautiful, buying locally made, quality food and goods, and building and supporting both global and local communities.

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