We’re Generating Far More Renewable Energy than We Think!
Uncovering the Untapped Power of Everyday Actions
Our Renewable Energy Impact Is Greater Than We Realize.
How much greater? A lot.
For whatever reasons*, we’re not counting a huge amount especially from small individual efforts. This is actually great news. But how much further do we have to go? This is what Counting the Kilowatts is about – to discover how much is being missed (especially the small individual contributions from people like you!) and then how much further we really need to go to make the difference we need to make.
* For more details on what’s being counted and what’s not, please see the Methodology tab/page and the blog entries.
Renewable Energy Counted by Us
Total KiloWatts
Types of Renewable Energy

Clean Energy by Country
Solar Energy in Afghanistan
Click here to review the numbers!
Solar Energy in Albania
Click here to review the numbers!
Solar Energy in Algeria
Click here to review the numbers!
Counted! What People (Like You!) Are Doing
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”
– Howard Zinn, American Social Activist

Get Counted Today!
People across our planet are combating climate change Right Now with renewable energy. But these efforts are not always counted by governments, companies and large non-profits!
So, what can we do? Get counted!
If you’re generating kilowatts with solar panels, please let us know and we’ll include your contribution in our counts. And if you’re doing something else to minimize your energy use, we’d love to hear about that as well, though our focus for now is mostly on counting the kilowatts.
And thank you for doing your part in combating climate change. IT ALL COUNTS!
Please let us know if you have any problems with this form! The last thing we want is for you not to get counted. Really. Please let us know.
Get Counted! Submission Form
What Major Organizations Have Found
Total KiloWatts
What’s Missing?
Major data-gathering organizations are doing as well as they can to get current data but can’t get everything. This isn’t their fault. The available data is wretched mostly due to non-reporting and mis-reporting countries. Some big organizations also don’t include every country. The best is IRENA which has the most complete data and they did try a few years ago to count everything but ultimately gave up.
Clean Energy by Country
Solar Energy in Afghanistan
Click here to review the numbers!
Solar Energy in Albania
Click here to review the numbers!
Solar Energy in Algeria
Click here to review the numbers!
How much is a Kilowatt?

Note: a household lightbulb uses about 100 watts!

Latest Blog Post

Solar Energy in Afghanistan
The numbers as of 2024 for solar energy being used in Afghanistan.
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